Go Green Expo
PA Convention Center
March 13th - 15th, 2009
Kari, a designer and consultant for Green Living Technologies has designed a show booth exhibiting how creative works of art can be couple with the more "traditional" living wall. Here, a 3-Form (eco resin, -a co-polyester recycled content product) and Ipe (a Brazilian hard wood also called Iron Wood) inset has been added to a wall of assorted perenials. The design has the 3-Form lit from above and below turning the wall into a nighttime, glowing work of art.
See Kari's Living Wall design for GLT on MSNBC
If you missed the Go Green Expo in LA and PA Stay tuned...
The Go Green Expo, the nation's premiere eco-friendly trade show is coming to New York City at the Hilton on April 17th - 19th, 2009.
Please come and visit the Green Living Technology booth and see more innovative Living Walls designed by Kari. See you there!