Here is a Before pic

Also another note from Kari...
I think of Manhattan rooftops as underdeveloped real-estate. Building owners need not look any further for purchasing more space, but rather to reinvent the outdoor space that they already own. This space could be created for the people of the building to enjoy, thus increasing the resale value and assisting in overall cooling and heating costs, all the while helping the environment....who would have thought all of these ugly rooftops would be , in the end, the possible solution to the Manhattan's environmental issues.....reducing energy consumption and storm water run off to name a few key issues. Helping the environment will only go so far with most discerning of New Yorkers. If the space does not look great of have the amenities that they want, it will not fly. I try to bring these new methods of landscaping to an urban jungle and create a coexistence between traditional rooftop/terrace gardening and the cutting edge Green Roof and Living Walls that are being written about. There is ample rooftop space for a dining area, and outdoor kitchen, a play area for children, as well as a Green Roof.